Anna Filipova

Anna specialises in the Polar regions where she explores environmental topics based in remote and inaccessible areas. She has worked…


About Greenland: The Remote Arctic Towns that are Melting Away

As the Arctic loses ice and the permafrost is thawing at dramatic rates, people in Greenland, are finding their homes, livelihoods, customs and very survival at risk.

Northern towns in Greenland are among the world’s first casualties in the battle against climate change. Many has been forced to abandon their settlements and look for other opportunities beyond the land they know as home due to climate change.

In parts of Greenland, coastlines are being eroded as storms batter the land and the permafrost crumbles. Many locals live in permafrost areas and their homes and other key infrastructures, such as roads and bridges, are built on frozen ground. As the permafrost thaws, the ground becomes weaker, less stable and less able to support these structures. This can cause buildings to collapse, and roads and pipelines to fail. Sorting out these problems is usually possible — yet very expensive. People are being pushed away from their housing, and this problem is posing further isolation to the communities, causing villages to be abandoned.
All of these cities, established around the 1950’s, were built without consideration of climate change…