Foto Hits

German language photography publication.

Shadow Lives USA

Shadow Lives USA is a decade-long project that humanizes, in a highly intimate fashion, the experiences and lives of the millions of men and women who leave their homes in…

Eroding Edges

Earth’s climate is changing at a rate that has far exceeded most scientific forecasts. Based on NASA sea-level rise projections, between 4 and 13 million Americans will be displaced from…

Breakwaters built in an attempt to stabilize the shoreline

Losing Ground

Southern Louisiana, once formed by sediment deposited by the Mississippi River, is rapidly eroding. Over the past eighty years, Louisiana has lost 2,000 square miles of wetlands, accounting for ninety…

Sinai: Landscape and Nature in Egypt’s Wilderness

Blue Earth photographer Omar Attum’s book on the Sinai Wilderness has been published by The American University in Cairo Press.   “Sinai’s allure is legendary. Its spectacular landscapes, thriving flora and…

Knife Fight City and the Kingdom of Dust

Knife Fight City and the Kingdom of Dust explores an unacknowledged variety of American apartheid in Huron, poorest town in California, where an American peasantry slaves for industrialized agriculture in…